Dragilúkan gekk fyri og skipið sakk
Yvirdekkaða línuskipið Argos Georgia sakk 22 juli 2024, tí at dragilúkan fór upp, sjálvt um hon var læst. Tað er fyribilsniðurstøðan hjá bretsku skaðanevndini
Línuskipið Argos Georgia sakk 22 juli 2024. Línuskipið er 53 metrar langt og størri enn flestu føroysku frystilínumskipini. Bygt í 2018.
Skipið var skrásett á St. Helena og fiskaði Patagonian Toothfish tætt við Falklandsoyggjarnar.
Bretska skaðanevndin hevur nú kanna tilburðin og ein fyribils niðurstøða er gjørd.
Teir siga, at lúkan á síðuni, sum brúkt verður at draga ígjøgnum, var høvuðstrupulleikin. Upplýst verður, at hon var aftur, men teir sóu á yvirvøku myndatólum, at lúkan fór spakuliga upp. Teir royndu at lata lúkuna aftur, men tað bar ikki til.
Lúkan fór so nógv upp, at nógvur sjógvur inn á dekki. Teir royndu eisini at lata hurðar aftur á dekkinum, soleiðis at alt dekki ikki fyltist við sjógva. Men tað eyðnaðist ikki.
Endin var at so nógvur sjógvur kom í skipið at har var onki at gera.
Teir sendu neyðarkall beinan veg. Manningin taldi 27 og bara 14 blivu bjargaðir.
Skaðanevndin hevur ymiskar tilráðingar. Hesar eru um lúkurnar og at tað er skilagott, at hesar verða tryggjaðar betri.
Annars er at siga, at seinastu 20 árini eru fleiri yvirdekkaðir línubátar komnir illa fyri. Umborð á Argos Georgia sær út til at teir hava sæð hvat hendi, uttan at teir høvdu nakran møguleika at gera nakað. Tað tykist sum at lúkurnar ikki eru eins tryggar og ynskiligt er. Men tað er trupult at meta um.
Vit endurgeva úr enska tekstinum, tí tað kann verða trupult at umseta rætt.
The ongoing investigation has found that, before the accident, the shell door in the starboard
side of Argos Georgia was raised in the closed position. At the time of the accident the door was
observed on closed-circuit television to descend slowly into the fully open position. This allowed
significant quantities of water to enter the vessel. The crew were unable to close the shell door
once it had opened.
1 The times in this safety bulletin are local time: universal time coordinated (UTC) -4 hours.
Figure: Plan of Argos Georgia main deck, showing the extent of the initial flooding
General arrangement courtesy of Marin Teknikk and insets courtesy of Argos Froyanes and Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Sliding doors Hinged door Shell door
Internal doors leading from the hauling compartment were open. This allowed water to flow
unhindered into other areas of the vessel, causing a significant list that progressively increased
as more water entered. The crew were unable to control the passage of water into other spaces
in the vessel, which increased the list still further until the vessel foundered.
The initial stages of the investigation have identified that:
● the means of maintaining the shell door in the closed position did not ensure it remained
shut at the time of the accident.
● the crew were unable to close the shell door once it had opened.
● some doors in the boundary of the hauling compartment were in the open position, allowing
consequential flooding of adjacent spaces.
● the crew were unable to close the boundary doors to the hauling compartment.
All owners, operators and skippers of fishing vessels that are fitted with side shell doors are
recommended to:
S2024/137M Urgently ensure that a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk of water
entering the vessel through a side shell door has been undertaken and
documented, noting the safety issues identified in this safety bulletin, and that:
● mitigations identified are immediately implemented to reduce the risks
associated with a failure of a shell door;
● where a risk of consequential flooding between compartments exists,
appropriate measures including maintaining internal doors in the closed
position are taken; and
● the crew are informed of the findings of the risk assessment and the measures
taken for their protection.
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